Our Leaders

Bishop Nev was eager to study the Word and progress in the Ministry and decided to take up Theology at the Bibleway Training Institute. He was successful in achieving his 1st Year in Certificate in Theology and 2nd Year Diploma before graduating from the Bible College.
The late, Bishop L E White recognised the potential in this young man who was quickly appointed as an Exhorter, before his appointment as a Minister in 1993.
As the Ministry progressed, Bishop Nev was ordained as an Elder in 1996, then promoted to District Elder in 1997, and then consecrated as a Bishop in 2006.
Currently, Bishop Nev serves as the Jurisdictional Bishop for the Southern Jurisdiction. The Jurisdiction encompasses churches, in Ponders End and South London. One of the highlights of his Ministry so far was the work done in supporting the late, Bishop Jonathan Smith in managing the events and convocations for the Midlands Jurisdiction.
Bishop Williams-Silvera’s vision for True Vine is for the church to develop and grow spiritually and numerical over the next 5 years and beyond. He also sees the church moving to its own accommodation during this time period of growth and maturity. This building will not just cater for church members but will also serve as a “Centre of Excellence” for support and help within the local community.
He has a passion for developing Leaders and seeing individuals succeed in their Ministries and their respective areas of spiritual calling and purpose. To date many Pastors, Elders, Evangelists, Deacons, Missionaries and Ministers have graduated through the ranks following their early years of learning and development at the True Vine Apostolic Ministries.

Claudia Williams-Silvera
God has truly brought us from a mighty, long way. We have been taken through some horrendous and difficult paths, where we have had to climb with our bare hands. We have had cuts and bruises, abrasions and grazes, but the good Lord of heaven has continually shown us favour, ensuring that there was always a safety net should we need it.
We have had Saints on the vine that have been sick unto death, remaining faithful and on the vine, even by a stem; God fulfilled his promise in bringing total healing to them, and they have never ceased to glorify God for his marvellous works and continue to spread the word about the miracle that Jesus wrought.
I’m so honoured and grateful to God that he has placed me, Bishop and the family at True Vine these 25 years. The True Vine saints are a band of people that know how to worship, know how to praise, know how to show gratitude and know how to worship God.
Let us celebrate the goodness of God together, we have come this far but have not reached.